Inovasi Teknologi dalam Pengolahan Data Pemesanan Jasa Cetak: Menuju Sistem yang Lebih Canggih dan Terotomatisasi


  • Kiki Karimah
  • Nuk Ghurroh Setyoningrum


System, Processing System, Print Service Order


The aim of this investigation was to acquire findings regarding a proposed system designed to streamline the processing of print service orders at Dunia Percetakan in Tasikmalaya City. The research employed a descriptive approach, while the development of the information system followed the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), encompassing phases such as data collection, system analysis, system design, system implementation, and system maintenance. The findings indicated that the implementation of the print service ordering data processing system using the Microsoft Visual Basic .Net program by the researchers has been demonstrated to expedite transactions and streamline the print service ordering process at Dunia Percetakan in Tasikmalaya City.


